Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Beating Writer's Block

Conquering Writer's Block using Self-Hypnosis

Can't think of a thing to write?

No idea where the next chapter is coming from?

One of the best ways I have ever found to unblock my imagination is to use Self-Hypnosis.

Writer's block is a curse that affects basically all of us who write. Whether you write novels, articles, poetry or anything else, there's a good chance your bright ideas will dry up at some stage.

Before writing full-time, my profession was as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializing in weight reduction therapy.

I frequently taught how to use Self-Hypnosis to the participants in my weight control club, with I might add, a lot of success.

What's this got to do with writer's block?

The benefits of Self-Hypnosis don't just have to be confined to weight reduction, it is so useful in every aspect of our lives.


The expression 'I'm in two minds', goes someway to describe our thought processes. We have a conscious mind and an unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is active in the running of our daily lives. The unconscious mind sits back and stores away everything that happens to us, until that is, we need to call on that experience, for whatever reason.

I'm not going to go into the complexities of Hypnosis because if I did, I'd be writing an academic tome not a short blog.

The most important thing to know is that the language used by your unconscious mind is – imagination.

By developing an ability to use Self-Hypnosis you can cross the bridge between your conscious thoughts and the imagination stored in your unconscious thoughts.

Learn to talk to your imagination and you can eradicate the troublesome writer's block.

I'm not saying you won't get the block back but when you do, you can lift it a lot easier by using Self-Hypnosis.

A fun way to get in-touch with your imagination is to try something called 'eye closure'.

Close your eyes and imagine they are glued shut.

Imagine your eye lids stuck to your cheeks by glue, then try to open your eyes.

If you are in-contact with your imagination they won't open.

You know you can open your eyes whenever you want to because you are simply imagining that your eyes are glued together.

When you are ready, just think the glue gone and your eyes unstuck and your eyes will open.

If you can do 'eye closure' without difficulty, you can communicate with your unconscious mind for some help in getting some fresh inspiration.

Whilst your eyes are closed ask your unconscious mind for some ideas as to where you want to take your plot next.

Open your eyes - then wait. Don't push your unconscious for ideas, give it time to think of something – bet it does.

To go deeper into Self-Hypnosis, the best way is with a relaxation induction.

A proper relaxation induction takes about 20 minutes and needs peace and quiet with no interruptions to work well.

Below is a basic relaxation induction I have often used.

Firstly make sure you are not going to be interrupted by the phone or anyone wanting your attention.

You need to switch off from the world to do this.

I prefer to lie on my bed down but a comfortable chair is just as good.


Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment and then breath out slowly.

Let your thoughts drift up to the top of your head and imagine yourself beginning to relax.

Let your eyelids close as you relax your eyes, feel your face soften and your tongue lay comfortably in your mouth.

Take slow steady breaths and as you do so, say to yourself.

Breathing out tension.

Breathing in relaxation.

Take that relaxation across your shoulders and all the way down your spine, along your legs and finally to the tips of your toes.

As you visualize the tips of your toes feel all of your tensions just flow away from you, leaving you with sense of ease and peace.

Now you are relaxed and at ease, tell your unconscious mind you desire to think of creative writing ideas.

The above is a very simple technique to help you get rid of tension and free up your mind to get back on the writing track.

Good Luck.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Writer

The Writer

The writer sat down at the open laptop, desperate eyes stared at a blank screen.

The writer stared for a very long time willing the whiteness to become dotted by stunning prose. It remained silent.

Fingers poised above the qwerty keyboard – waited to perform the writers art.

Time moved on. The fingers stayed still, the prose unwritten.

Suddenly thoughts crowded the writer's mind. Fingers flash across the laptop keys. A word is written. Then another and another until the page becomes a white sea of black dots.

The writer's thoughts stop as suddenly as they started.

Time passes. Nothing. Blank. Until crawling from the writer's fertile imagination dozens of words fall in a collection of sentences and paragraphs.

One sentence. Two, then three. A paragraph is born, only to be aborted by the delete key.

Dissatisfaction rages within the writer.

The writer gets up from the desk to let the cat out. Returns, leaves again to let the cat in.

A blank mind feeds the dog. Walks the dog. A tortured mind hopes for inspiration.

A 1000 words. The writer wants – needs - a 1000 words. The writer has 100. The delete key brings that total down to 10.

Morning edges into afternoon. Afternoon to early evening. The writer's dull ache matches the dimness of the falling light.

A mind that was filled in the middle of the night with a myriad of ideas is now empty. Creativity is lost, blocked from the writer's imagination.

The writer gets up from the desk, coffee to feed and rekindle the lost ideas. Hot, sweet, liquid in a cup does nothing to help, simply burns the writer's lip.

The writer closes the lid of the laptop and decides to wait for the night to bring ideas for the morning.

A 1000 words is all the writer needs – tomorrow.