Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Scared of the Dentist? Here's how not to be...

The Riotous Writer

Scared of the Dentist? Here's how not to be.

Have you seen a grown man cry recently? Well I did the other day at the dentist.

Tattooed, 6 foot 4, built like a brick out-house, he sat quivering in his size 12 work-man's boots, waiting in terror for the dental nurse to call his name.

I had a bad experience with a dentist when I was a kid, and for years I wouldn't go to see one, unless I was forced by extreme toothache.

Very soon after I began studying to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I realised I had found something that was a world changer for me.

I discovered that by learning to communicate with my subconscious mind, it was going to be possible to radically alter, and improve the way I approached my lifestyle at that time. Including the things that caused me stress and anxiety, one of which was the dreaded dental check-up.

I am sure you have heard the expression 'I'm in two minds' – it's not just a saying – it is an actuality.

We literally have two minds. The conscious mind - the working part - and the subconscious mind - the part that stores all our experiences – good and bad.

Without realising it we hypnotise ourselves on a daily basis.

For example – ever driven home without remembering your journey? The drive is something you do a lot, so the conscious mind feels free to wander because your subconscious mind is programmed to keep you safe. If there is a sudden unexpected danger your subconscious will prompt your conscious mind, back into awareness of the possible danger to your safety.

The problem with the subconscious, is, as I have just said, it is programmed to keep you safe, and it remembers all your past experiences. If you have had a bad experience at the dentist or you have heard, probably as a child, someone else talking about a bad dental experience, then the subconscious goes into – keep you safe mode – and tries to stop the nasty thing from happening. Ergo – by making you scared – you won't do what has hurt you in the past. This is fine when crossing the road say – but not so good if you have a tooth that needs attention.

Through Self-Hypnosis you can talk to your subconscious, and tell it not to worry, and stop making you frightened of going to the dentist - because the dentist isn't going to hurt.

Self-hypnosis is very easy to achieve – just takes a little practice.

Here's how -

You need to find a time when you won't be bothered by noise or people wanting your attention, so turn off your phone/mobile, and sit in either a comfortable chair or lay on your bed.

Relaxing music is fine, that's why at the end of this article I have included two you-tube links to the type of music that will help you relax.

Getting into self-hypnosis mode is all about relaxation.

So, you are either sitting in a chair or lying on your bed. You need to get yourself as comfortable as possible. Now close your eyes, and take one long deep breath in, hold it for a moment then breath out, saying to yourself -

As you breath in -'I am breathing in relaxation – and as you breath out, 'I am breathing out tension.'

Do this two or three times – then take your mind to the top of your head, and slowly think your way down through your head to your face, and into your arms and upper body.

When you get to your chest – again think about your breathing for another moment or two – then carry on thinking down your stomach, legs, all the way to your feet. As you are doing this, you need to tell yourself - you are feeling relaxed, calm and peaceful.

When you get to your toes, think of all the built up tension in your body just flowing away from you through your toes.

This exercise, in itself, is very useful when you are feeling up-tight about something.

You should now be nice and relaxed. Here comes the part where we get you to talk to your subconscious mind.

Imagine you are standing in-front of a elevator door, there is a button on the wall by the door, you press it and the door opens. You step inside and the door closes behind you. On the wall by the door is a panel of 10 buttons numbered 1 to 10, above the door is a floor level indicator also numbered 1 – 10.

You press the button numbered 1. Imagine a gentle sensation of moving downwards. You watch the floor level indicator move from zero to level 1.

Now press the button numbered 2. Feel the elevator descend and as it does, feel yourself letting go of your tension.

When the indicator reaches level 2, press the button numbered 3. With each level you go down, you feel even more relaxed than you did with the level before.

You have reached level 3, so now you press the button numbered 4, enjoying the journey downwards to the next level.

With each button you press and every level you reach you feel more and more relaxed than you did at the level before.

Now press button number 5, half-way to total relaxation.

You have reached level 5 so now you press button 6, and continue down further into your blissful state of peace and tranquillity.

The indicator tells you, you have reached level 6. You feel so wonderfully relaxed as you press the button numbered 7.

Not far to go now. The indicator shows level 7. You press the button numbered 8. Down you go to level 8.

You press the button numbered 9. The level indicator moves slowly from level 8 to level 9 and finally you press the button numbered 10.

As you watch the indicator arm move from 9 to 10, You are now very relaxed as you reach level 10 and all your residual tensions have left your body.

The elevator door opens and you walk out into.........

It is up to you where you want to walk out into. Choose a place that you feel very comfortable with, the beach, a garden, a woodland or simply some place that you are familiar with - but a place where only you are. This is a place of tranquillity, of peace, of total freedom from all your cares. Here you have total well-being.

It is this place you are going to visualise when sitting in the dentist's chair.

You are now at the point when you can tell your subconscious not to be afraid of the dentist, and for this you need a script.

As you visualise your perfect place, repeat to yourself -

I look forward to going to the dentist. I look forward to healthy teeth.
From the moment I walk into the dental surgery I feel completely at ease.
As I walk toward the dentist chair, I feel more and more relaxed.
When I sit in the dentist chair, I feel a sense of well-being, and happiness.
When I sit in the dentist chair I am completely at ease.

****Repeat this short script three times – then you need to gently bring yourself up from self-hypnosis. You do this by saying****

Beginning to wake.
  1. Feeling more and more awake.
  2. Half-way to wakefulness.
  3. Almost awake now.
  4. And 5, fully awake and feeling alert and wonderful.

If you do not like using elevators – you can think of a set of stairs, and instead of pressing buttons, think of each level as a stair-step.

When you are actually at the dentist, and am sitting waiting your turn to be seen – just keep repeating the script to yourself.

Actually feel yourself calm and relaxed as you wait. When you are called – keep telling yourself as you walk toward the chair that you are calm and at ease.

Don't say to yourself – I am not worried – I am not scared. Worried and scared are negative words –

Use only positive words, such as – calm – ease – relaxed – happy.

Together with the relaxation music - I have included a Hypnosis session.

Of course, using self-hypnosis in this way, can help with any situation where you need to feel calm and relaxed.

Below are the you-tube links.

Poetry of Water – by Okanokumo

    Relaxing Sleep Music – by Acerting Art


     Fear of Dentist Hypnosis – by The Irish Hypnotist.

I am sure you will enjoy experiencing self-hypnosis......

thanks for reading this post...and if you enjoy my articles – please share them –

The Riotous Writer

background by courtesy of 'Stuart Miles' Dental picture - FreeDigitalPhotos,net

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Are Flu shots worth risking your health for?

Flu Jabs – are they worth the risk?

The Flu Jab

It's more than just a little prick.

It's Flu Jab Time – are you ready for some startling news?

I am sick to death of so called experts telling me what is good for me.

I know that drinking too much, and starting the following day with a hangover is not a bright idea. Haven't I done it enough times to know this? You bet I have.

I am a vegetarian. I can't stand meat, hate the idea of sinking my teeth into bloodied flesh. And it also tears me apart to think how an animal has to die, in fear and pain, just to feed me. So I don't do it.

Thing is – I don't expect others to follow my example. Free will and all that. If you want to eat meat, and apparently, according to the latest statistics, run the risk of cancer - then it's up to you.

For years we have been led to believe that a low fat diet is the way to go for a slimmer nation. So how come so many of us are walking around like hippos on steroids?

The latest medical theory is that - sugar is the new evil, and the main cause of the obesity problem. Of course, sugar makes you fat. Overeat anything, apart from maybe lettuce, and you are bound to get fat. Stands to reason – but I don't need someone to point out what is obvious to me.

And I what I absolutely really hate is being talked down to, as if I am a moron. We the people are not morons. We know these things – we simply choose to ignore bad advice especially when it changes like the wind.

I was told by a medical expert (doctor), who has turned out not to be so expert - that it is time I had a Flu jab. 

After an almost heated argument - me not wanting to have the jab - medical expert saying I must, I decided to do a bit of checking up on the subject.

I've never felt the need to inject the flu virus into my body when I can use the prevention option instead. Vitamin C, eating healthily, keeping away from anyone coughing and sneezing etc.

When I pointed out, to the young lady doctor, (half my age), that the flu jab doesn't work, as having had them in the past, and I still caught flu, she got seriously pissed at me.

How do you know the vaccine doesn't work?” She asked, “It's only just come out.”

Well here's the answer to her question.

It's quite simply really, influenza is an ever changing virus. It's not static, it mutates, where as the flu jab is not a changing virus it is just one strain of the influenza virus. If you happen to catch a different strain of flu from the one you have been vaccinated with – then hey – guess what – you've got the strain of flu you were not protected against. And there is a lot more different flu viruses flying around the world than just the one type.

In the US alone, the financial incentive to for the pharmaceutical companies to merchandise their flu shots, is worth a staggering $1.6 BILLION dollars. That is about 147.8 million shots distributed in ONE YEAR.

Remember I'm only talking about the US.

I live in the UK.... It's no better here.

I quote an article from The Daily Telegraph – a very well respected broad-sheet newspaper.


'The flu vaccine given to millions of people in the UK barely works, health officials have admitted, amid warnings that the number of deaths this winter will be the worst for 15 years.
Public Health England (PHE) warned that the main strain of influenza in circulation - which is particularly lethal among the elderly – has mutated from the type that was used in the jab.
As a result, it is working in just three per cent of people given it, when it is normally effective in around half of cases.
And it has no effectiveness at all against the dominant strain of flu in circulation this winter, which is particularly dangerous in the elderly.'


The virus has mutated, so at best 50% at worst 0%, and most likely only 3% – and the health authorities want us to risk the complications associated with the flu jab for – something with a 0% to 3% effectiveness?

So who is it that decides which strain to pump into us for a mere 0% to 3% effectiveness?

It's the WHO (World Health Organisation).

They don't make their decision as to which flu strain to use just before the influenza season is upon us that's for sure – because they can't. The stuff has got to be manufactured first. Then distributed, and that isn't going to happen anytime close to when the vaccine is needed. Sheer logistics stops that from happening. It takes from February up to August/September to produce sufficient quantities of vaccine. and if during that time a change occurs in the virus – then it's too late to do anything about it.

So my body has been injected with something that will make me feel unwell, and potentially cause serious side-effects. This to protect me from something I might never catch, and even if I do catch it, the vaccine I have been injected with, will, in all probability, not work, and I'll end up in bed coughing and sneezing and feeling crap anyway. 

On top of all of that – the cost of this potentially useless procedure is enormous to our struggling NHS.

The NHS spends about £100 million a year, with each vaccine costing approximately £7.60.

Am I alone in thinking this is just plain – Stupid?

I have added some links below to articles explaining in detail why the flu jab industry, (and it is a money making industry), like any other industry, is taking us all for an enormous ride.

Of course, there are some people, the old, the very young, and the sick who need to be protected, and I'm not saying for one moment that they should not be given the chance to have a flu jab that has the possibility of saving their lives.

Of course they should.

But the rest of us? The healthy majority – isn't it a waste of resources to force us to have something that in all probability will not benefit us in anyway – just so monetary profits can be made?

Quoting – nsbc International –

The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK. 
The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers.

I have also included in the links an article about a 9 year old girl in Texas, who has been left blind and paralysed after having a flu shot. It is still being investigated whether the flu shot was responsible - but it looks to be a good candidate to blame.

Dr. Umair Shah the executive director of Harris County Public Health – said  Flu Shots are extremely safe and encourages everyone over the age of 6 months to get one.
"There are some cases, very rare, that a flu shot has a more reaction," 
That's no comfort to the child's parents who thought they were doing their best to protect their daughter from the harmful effects of flu.

Me – I've told my doctor – no way am I having a flu jab – she's just going to have to live with that.

At least I will have saved the NHS £7.60. Any medicines I need to help me get over the flu, should I get it, I shall buy from the pharmacy. Then I won't have anyone saying 'told you so' - without knowing which strain of flu I have caught. 

If you have the time - check out you-tube, there are so many articles relevant to the downside of flu jabs that I couldn't possible choose one to include - but it's worth taking the trouble to look. A real eyeopener.

Gazuntite friends ----

relevant links......

thanks for reading this post...and if you enjoy my articles – please share them --

The Riotous Writer

My latest novel – 

a humorous satire on sexual infidelity.

It's not a Brothel – if it's a country house. The Rawlings Hall - ' Stress relieving spa for ladies'

More of my books – through my American publisher.

The Warlock's Woman

When a boy ghost meets a girl human in a hot-tub. Romance - Yes. Sex – Definitely.

UK Link 

Half Blood

Vampires – not the undead – but aliens from another galaxy.

article picture courtesy of debspoons by www.freedigitalphotos.net

vaccine with hypodermic syringe - Baitong333
sneezing woman with handkerchief - marin  

Amazon - free book list review

The Riotous Writer

The Sunday Book Review has changed.

I'm still going to recommend e-books from the Amazon free list. Thing is – Sunday morning when I check the list, guess what – they are not always still FREE.

Which means the book or books I have chosen and have pre-read, can't be reviewed.

There's no point in having a free book review if the book isn't free!


It also means I need to learn to speed read. Okay I'm a fast reader – but even I, the great Riotous Writer, can't read a complete book in about half an hour.

So – I'm going to choose more than one book, give the ones I have picked a quick once over, then post the links as usual.

Here's my first choice.

Omega Exile by – Stephen Arseneault.

Genre – Sci-fi – fantasy.

I liked this book because the point of view is by an alien rather than the usual human narrator.

First in a fairly substantial series of books of the same title - Omega Guardian – Omega Allegiance etc. – You get the idea.

I've enjoyed what I have read so far, and I think the book is worth finishing.


Number 2.

Blackwater Lake – by Maggie James

Genre – Physiological Suspense.

The story is set in England – and written in such a way that you want to keep reading.

It's every grown child's nightmare – Dad kills Mum - Kills himself.

As their son goes through his dead parents things, he discovers a dark secret kept hidden by them.

Edgy, intriguing and worth reading, best describes Blackwater Lake.


Last but definitely not least

Off Limits - by Lisa Cartwright

Genre – Romance

I chose this simply because Amazon wouldn't let me open it to read. So I'm guessing it's really naughty, especially as the cover blurb comes with an over 18 only warning – saying its HOT & SEXY.

Had a quick look – flows quite well –


I wish you a peaceful and happy – Remembrance Sunday.

thanks for reading this post...and if you enjoy my articles – please share them –

The Riotous Writer

background and review picture courtesy of 'Stuart Miles'  FreeDigitalPhotos,net photos by 'dan'. 'digitalart'

Friday, 6 November 2015

What the doctor won't tell you about your Flu shot

Flu Jabs – are they worth the risk?

The Flu Jab

It's more than just a little prick.

It's Flu Jab Time – are you ready for some startling news?

I am sick to death of so called experts telling me what is good for me.

I know that drinking too much, and starting the following day with a hangover is not a bright idea. Haven't I done it enough times to know this? You bet I have.

I am a vegetarian. I can't stand meat, hate the idea of sinking my teeth into bloodied flesh. And it also tears me apart to think how an animal has to die, in fear and pain, just to feed me. So I don't do it.

Thing is – I don't expect others to follow my example. Free will and all that. If you want to eat meat, and apparently, according to the latest statistics, run the risk of cancer - then it's up to you.

For years we have been led to believe that a low fat diet is the way to go for a slimmer nation. So how come so many of us are walking around like hippos on steroids?

The latest medical theory is that - sugar is the new evil, and the main cause of the obesity problem. Of course, sugar makes you fat. Overeat anything, apart from maybe lettuce, and you are bound to get fat. Stands to reason – but I don't need someone to point out what is obvious to me.

And I what I absolutely really hate is being talked down to, as if I am a moron. We the people are not morons. We know these things – we simply choose to ignore bad advice especially when it changes like the wind.

I was told by a medical expert (doctor), who has turned out not to be so expert - that it is time I had a Flu jab. 

After an almost heated argument - me not wanting to have the jab - medical expert saying I must, I decided to do a bit of checking up on the subject.

I've never felt the need to inject the flu virus into my body when I can use the prevention option instead. Vitamin C, eating healthily, keeping away from anyone coughing and sneezing etc.

When I pointed out, to the young lady doctor, (half my age), that the flu jab doesn't work, as having had them in the past, and I still caught flu, she got seriously pissed at me.

How do you know the vaccine doesn't work?” She asked, “It's only just come out.”

Well here's the answer to her question.

It's quite simply really, influenza is an ever changing virus. It's not static, it mutates, where as the flu jab is not a changing virus it is just one strain of the influenza virus. If you happen to catch a different strain of flu from the one you have been vaccinated with – then hey – guess what – you've got the strain of flu you were not protected against. And there is a lot more different flu viruses flying around the world than just the one type.

In the US alone, the financial incentive to for the pharmaceutical companies to merchandise their flu shots, is worth a staggering $1.6 BILLION dollars. That is about 147.8 million shots distributed in ONE YEAR.

Remember I'm only talking about the US.

I live in the UK.... It's no better here.

I quote an article from The Daily Telegraph – a very well respected broad-sheet newspaper.


'The flu vaccine given to millions of people in the UK barely works, health officials have admitted, amid warnings that the number of deaths this winter will be the worst for 15 years.
Public Health England (PHE) warned that the main strain of influenza in circulation - which is particularly lethal among the elderly – has mutated from the type that was used in the jab.
As a result, it is working in just three per cent of people given it, when it is normally effective in around half of cases.
And it has no effectiveness at all against the dominant strain of flu in circulation this winter, which is particularly dangerous in the elderly.'


The virus has mutated, so at best 50% at worst 0%, and most likely only 3% – and the health authorities want us to risk the complications associated with the flu jab for – something with a 0% to 3% effectiveness?

So who is it that decides which strain to pump into us for a mere 0% to 3% effectiveness?

It's the WHO (World Health Organisation).

They don't make their decision as to which flu strain to use just before the influenza season is upon us that's for sure – because they can't. The stuff has got to be manufactured first. Then distributed, and that isn't going to happen anytime close to when the vaccine is needed. Sheer logistics stops that from happening. It takes from February up to August/September to produce sufficient quantities of vaccine. and if during that time a change occurs in the virus – then it's too late to do anything about it.

So my body has been injected with something that will make me feel unwell, and potentially cause serious side-effects. This to protect me from something I might never catch, and even if I do catch it, the vaccine I have been injected with, will, in all probability, not work, and I'll end up in bed coughing and sneezing and feeling crap anyway. 

On top of all of that – the cost of this potentially useless procedure is enormous to our struggling NHS.

The NHS spends about £100 million a year, with each vaccine costing approximately £7.60.

Am I alone in thinking this is just plain – Stupid?

I have added some links below to articles explaining in detail why the flu jab industry, (and it is a money making industry), like any other industry, is taking us all for an enormous ride.

Of course, there are some people, the old, the very young, and the sick who need to be protected, and I'm not saying for one moment that they should not be given the chance to have a flu jab that has the possibility of saving their lives.

Of course they should.

But the rest of us? The healthy majority – isn't it a waste of resources to force us to have something that in all probability will not benefit us in anyway – just so monetary profits can be made?

Quoting – nsbc International –

The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK. 
The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers.

I have also included in the links an article about a 9 year old girl in Texas, who has been left blind and paralysed after having a flu shot. It is still being investigated whether the flu shot was responsible - but it looks to be a good candidate to blame.

Dr. Umair Shah the executive director of Harris County Public Health – said  Flu Shots are extremely safe and encourages everyone over the age of 6 months to get one.
"There are some cases, very rare, that a flu shot has a more reaction," 
That's no comfort to the child's parents who thought they were doing their best to protect their daughter from the harmful effects of flu.

Me – I've told my doctor – no way am I having a flu jab – she's just going to have to live with that.

At least I will have saved the NHS £7.60. Any medicines I need to help me get over the flu, should I get it, I shall buy from the pharmacy. Then I won't have anyone saying 'told you so' - without knowing which strain of flu I have caught. 

If you have the time - check out you-tube, there are so many articles relevant to the downside of flu jabs that I couldn't possible choose one to include - but it's worth taking the trouble to look. A real eyeopener.

Gazuntite friends ----

relevant links......

thanks for reading this post...and if you enjoy my articles – please share them --

The Riotous Writer
My latest novel – 

a humorous satire on sexual infidelity.

It's not a Brothel – if it's a country house. The Rawlings Hall - ' Stress relieving spa for ladies'

More of my books – through my American publisher.

The Warlock's Woman

When a boy ghost meets a girl human in a hot-tub. Romance - Yes. Sex – Definitely.

UK Link 

Half Blood

Vampires – not the undead – but aliens from another galaxy.

article picture courtesy of debspoons by www.freedigitalphotos.net

vaccine with hypodermic syringe - Baitong333
sneezing woman with handkerchief - marin  

vaccine with hypodermic syringe - Baitong333
sneezing woman with handkerchief - marin